Mr. Taro Yamamoto’s speech at Hibiya Open-air Concert Hall — Just before the State Secrets Protection Bill Vote —- December 6, 2013 山本太郎・特定秘密保護法@日比谷野外音楽堂-採決直前 2013年12月6日
“Where are they going??
Your loved ones will be dragged into this battlefield.
You, yourself, will be taken there!
Good Evening, can you believe what is happening? This is terrible.
If we allow this situation to continue then we will all be victims of its consequences.
The Government believes that its citizens are stupid and cannot see how passing this bill impacts them.
There are demonstrations outside parliament to show our opposition to this bill.
The Ruling party, and the Supplementary are now fearful.
The Ruling party realise their mistake but are not prepared to reverse decisions at this stage.
In their minds, they are now reluctant to pass this law, but not to pass the law would be to admit to their mistake.
Now is the time for us to act, and show solidarity in opposition of passing this law.Is everybody ready?
You must be prepared.
If you don’t act, you will be taken to fight.
Your loved ones will be dragged into this battlefield.You, yourself, will be taken there.
Such a thing advances steadily.
To remain quiet about this is to be stupid – and you are not stupid people.
So let me talk about what is realisticNow, the seniors here, and the people of the political parties.
They are trying to fill a gap somehow, and repeal the bill with time.
However, I must apologise for my honesty, in the near future, all the bullets will be gone.
As things stand, there is an overwhelming possibility that the bill is going to be passed.
We will scrap the bill completely no matter what it takes – it is easy to talk about dreams; however, if this situation continues, no matter what the situation is, it may be today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, the bill will be passed without doubt.
Then, what will you do?
Of course, there is always tomorrow, and tomorrow brings a fresh day and fresh hope for the future.
The day of the bill’s passage does not mark the end.
That day, today, is just the beginning.
The only way to resolve this situation is if the current Prime Minister steps down.
This IS a realistic possibility.
Once this law is enacted, there is a window of up to one year before it will come into effect.
During this period, let’s continue to work together to oppose this law.
There are two possible opportunities to reverse this bill.
The first is the quadrennial Unified Local Elections in April 2015, and the second is the Upper House Election in July 2016.
So let’s focus our energies on these occasions.
At that time, all the seniors here, please unite and be the foundation for everyone.
Let’s make it our mission to defeat the Abe Administration!
こんばんは、どえらいことになってきましたね。やられちゃいますよ、このままじゃ。でもね、現政権がこんな法案をむりやりとり通そうと思っているのは、国民が馬鹿だからと思っているからですよ。だんだんと大きな声になってきて、もう入りきらないじゃないですか。この状況に一番ビビっているのが、与党ですよ。与党の補完勢力ですよ。 今、自分たちがやってしまったこと、もう取り返しがつかないってことは、わかっているんです。あとは押し切るしかないってこと、引き返したら、自分たちの間違いを認めちゃうことになりますものね。いったいどこに向かうつもりなんだ、って。
みなさん、こころの準備はできていますか?このままだったら、戦場に引きずり出されますよ。 あなたの大切な人が戦場に連れて行かれる。あなた自身も、戦場に連れて行かれる。そのようなことが着々と進められている。それに黙っているほど、国民ばかじゃないですよね?(拍手)
現実的な話をします。いま、こちらにいらっしゃる先生方、そして、政党の方々が、あの手この手で、この数の差を埋めようと、なんとか時間をかけて廃案にしようとされています。けれども、はっきり言ってごめんなさい、もうすぐ、タマ切れが訪れると思います。で、どうなるか、採決に持っていかれたら、よほどのミラクルが起こらない限りは、通っちゃいますよ。 何が何でも廃案、夢を語るのは簡単、でも、このままだったら近い日、今日かもしれない、明日かもしれない、あさってかもしれない、可決されることは間違いない。じゃ、どうするんだって。もちろん、今日が終わりじゃないんですよ。可決された日が終わりじゃないんですよ。今日が始まりなんですよ。(拍手)
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