

Nagatacho Kyofu Shimbun

Translated from Japanese by Hanna Kazahari



Nagatacho Horror News

Nagatacho Kyofu Shimbun

Nagatacho Horror News (Nagatacho Kyofu Shimbun)

political news leaflet created by Taro Yamamoto – Japanese lawmaker, member of House of Councilors, president of party “People’s Life Party & Taro Yamamoto and Friends”, leader of “Taro Yamamoto and Friends”.
The content of the leaflet describes new draconian legislations PM Abe cabinet is introducing in Japan, and it is illustrated with manga comics girl modeled on PM Abe campaigns. The aim is to explain political issues in a way which is simple and easy to understand.

消費税 8%に増税

Consumption Tax 8% Raise
– Raised from April 2014


児童扶養手当 減額
・2013年10月 (済)、2014年4月 (済)、2015年4月段階的に引き下げ。
Child Rearing Allowance Reduction
Reduced in following steps: October 2013, November 2014; next step planned for April 2015


国民年金保険料 支払い増
[Premium of National Pension] National Pension Premium Rise
Increasing from 2014


年金支給   減額
Pension Payment Reduction
Reduced since 2014, in 2015 further reductions will be implemented


高齢者医療費 負担 二倍
Medical Expenses for the Elderly Doubled
For citizens between 70-74 medical expenses doubled since April 2014


介護保険料 引き上げ 
Long-term care insurance premium Rise
For persons between 40-64 long-term care insurance premium was raised in April 2014


生活保護費  引き下げ
Public assistance Reduction
Reduction in three steps August 2013, April 2014 and April 2015, in the worst case reduction up to 10%

☆ これから先、安倍総理と自民公明連立政権が皆様に心を込めて

Especially for you. A list of presents from Prime Minister Abe and LDP-New Komeito coalition. From the government with love.

Corporate Tax Cuts
Plan to gradually cut corporate tax rate to 30% next year, and to 20% over next couple of years


消費税 10%へ
Consumption Tax Raise to 10%
Tentative plan to raise consumption tax to 10% in October 2015


・ 労働時間に関係なく使用者は残業代を支払わなくてもいい仕組みを推し進める
No Overtime Pay
Introducing system where companies are not required to pay employees for overtime work


労働時間 規制緩和(ずっと働かせる事ができます)
Working Hours Deregulation (Allows unlimited working hours)
No overtime pay policy established. Removing 8 hour work per day limit and allowing unlimited working hours without overtime pay.


And finally, still under discussion, presents for you not finalized yet


Mobile Phone Tax
A group of volunteers from Liberal Democratic Party to address „Mobile phone problem social gathering”, scheduled to June 2014


—(「社会保障制度改革国民会議」(政府の審議会 2012.11〜13.8設置) にて、提唱者は首相ブレーンの伊藤元重・東京大学教授が13年6月3日に提案)
Death Tax
Proposed on June 13, 2013, by prime minister’s advisor, Ito Motoshige, at Social Security Reform National Conference (established by government commission in Nov. ,2012-Aug.,2013).


奨学金滞納者、及び 未就労者に対する防衛省、警察庁、消防庁への二年間のインターンシップ
–文科省検討会 第11回 2014.5.26、提唱者は経済同友会専務理事の前原金一氏
Economical Conscription
Two years internship in the military, police or fire department for young men having difficulties with the scholarship repayment.
Proposed by the Managing Director of Japan Association of Corporate Executives Kinichi Maehara at the 11th Investigative Commission of Ministry of Education.
and more!!!!!!!!


Will you happily accept this special gift from Prime Minister Abe and New Komeito coalition government?


「大企業」に「大減税」した分、国の収入が減ってしまうので、 庶民に「増税」するのです。

それだけでは足りないので消費税が10%にされてしまうのも 時間の問題。

日本の企業が払う税金(法人税)の税率は「35%」は 世界の中でも高すぎるから、「法人税率」を「下げる」 と、政府は言います。



1. Consumption Tax
We are being told that “the whole revenue increase from the consumption tax raise” will be “used for improving social welfare services”. If you look at the first page of this issue you will notice social welfare will decrease so we can see clearly the statement about spending tax surplus on public welfare is a lie.

What is the purpose of this tax raise then?
Planned cuts in corporate tax rates are going to decrease tax revenue for the country so to balance the budget the government will tax common people more.

The government says that corporate tax of 35% in Japan is the highest in the world and it is too high.

Are Japanese corporations really paying the highest tax in the world? Is it really 35%?

No. Japanese corporations can use 80 different mechanisms to significantly reduce tax amount paid and they are under “extraordinary preferential treatment” like “exemption system of dividend received”.


★「受取配当等の益金不算入制度」をザックリ 解説★
他にも「研究開発減税「みなし外国税額 控除制度」「海外子会社 配当益金不算入制度☆欠損金の繰越控除制度」などなど目白押し。

我が国トップクラスの大企業、TOYOTAは上手にやりくり色んなテクニックを使って企業の利益は増やしながら、 過去5年間「法人税」を支払ってなかったそうだ。
赤字と言いながらも色んな仕組み、抜け道を使い、税金から逃れ 自分たちの利益を上げられる、巨大企業にとって素晴らしいシステムが日本には存在するのです。


Brief explanation of the “exemption system of dividend received”

In case the company owns shares of other companies. Although the income from the dividends is accounted as “income” it may be excluded from taxable income. Many big corporations own stock of various companies and receive huge amounts of dividend income.
Other useful mechanisms to avoid tax are “Research and development tax cuts”, “Foreign tax credits system”, “System of exclusion of dividends received from foreign subsidiary”.
Huge companies can use overseas expansion to escape from tax by using the favorable tax system and accumulate retained earnings.
Is this fair to allow huge companies have minimal tax burden, while small and medium-sized enterprises cannot enjoy such exemptions?

Companies reporting deficit are not required to pay income tax.
Top Japanese corporations use various techniques to report deficit, for example Toyota inspite of making profits over last 5 years was continuously reporting deficit and did not pay income tax.
Over last 5 years Toyota distributed 1 trillion 54.2 billion yen in total to its shareholders and added a consolidated earned surplus of 280.7 billion yen to its internal reserves.

Japan has a wide range of various preferential tax measures available to large corporations – it is a great system to avoid paying taxes.

The result of our inquiry with the Ministry of Finance Tax Bureau was the statement “Large corporations are not paying as much taxes as they are required by corporate tax law”.
Currently large corporations are able to collect more surplus and enjoy even larger tax cuts. The government is working hard to enable it even further.
We, the citizens, will feel it in our wallets and we are the ones who will be sacrificed.


「大企業・大資本」が 「大儲け」しても、「賃金」や「雇用」となってあなたに「還元」される事は、ほぼないといっても言い過ぎではないでしょう。

あなたはこれから更に、 「より安く」「買い叩かれる」 商品 として扱われるのです。

2. Employment issues
If big corporations are profitable and do not increase employment, wouldn’t they raise wages?
No, at the moment it does not happen.
Even if big corporations make profit usually it does not have any positive effects on wages or increase of employment.
When big corporations and big capital make big profit they buy employees even cheaper and treat them like commodity.
Government is introducing policies which will increase such practices like hiring on their own terms, firing employees when it suits, unstable working conditions, increase of non-regular employment.
New regulations are created as a response to the demand from large companies to let them avoid cost generating responsibility to the workers.

「残業代 ゼロ」は、経済界からの強力なプッシュのもと、リクエストされている案件の一つ。

3. Zero overtime allowance
„Zero Overtime Allowance” is one of the requests from the business lobby and politicians who are swinging their tails to big business are doing all they can to push it through.
Through the “deregulation” of the working hours companies can avoid paying overtime allowance, make employees work around the clock while reducing their salaries.


東京は 869円。  沖縄、高知など8県で 664円
最低賃金を全国平均すると 780円
この金額で、1日8時間、月22日 働いても13万7280円・・・ 手取りだと年収いくらになるのでしょうか?

4. Minimum wage

Minimum wage, the minimal amount companies have to pay the workers, is 869 yen per hour in Tokyo. In 8 prefectures like Okinawa and Kochi it is 664 yen per hour. National average through all prefectures is 780 yen.
With that wage, working 8 hours a day, 22 days in a month totals in 137,280 yen monthly so how much is your annual income?



日本では栄養失調と食糧の不足で1746人(2011年)、一日あたり 5人が亡くなっている(餓死している)計算です。
一人親世帯では 54・6%が貧困。過去最悪の数字です。

5. Welfare

1746 people in Japan died from malnutrition in 2011, on average 5 deaths a day
Japan’s poverty rate is 16.1%. One in 6-7 people live in poverty.
54.6% of single parents live in poverty. Those are the worst numbers ever over the past.

