This is Taro Yamamoto representing The People’s Life Party & Taro Yamamoto and Friends. I have quest […]
8/19/2015 “The national security bills are an exact copy of the third Armitage Nye Report”
Taro Yamamoto: This is Taro Yamamoto representing The People’s Life Party & Taro Yamamoto an […]
Taro Yamamoto vs. Prime Minister Abe「On the Effects of Ballistic Missile Attack Against Nuclear Plants」
Taro Yamamoto vs. Prime Minister Abe 2015.7.29 On the Effects of Ballistic Missile Attack Against Nucl […]
- June 13, 2017 “It’s not culture, it’s the Fisheries Agency’s interests”
- 8/25/2015 Prime Minister Abe Runs Away from the Question: “Was Hiroshima a War Crime?”
- 8/19/15 “The Sunagawa Ruling, the Japanese Government’s Pretext for Allowing the Collective Self-Defense, Was Ordered by the US”
- 7/30/2015 Iraq War–Japan Will Be War Criminal Too?!
- 8/19/2015 “The national security bills are an exact copy of the third Armitage Nye Report”